Nosh, a cool cooking robot

3 min readMar 20, 2021


Developed by my ex-workspace-neighbours :)

Image courtesy:

Proud to snoshee what the folks at have achieved with the public beta launch of their cooking robot Nosh.

Starting up is hard. Starting up a hardware business is doubly hard. I was introduced to IKP Eden, a unique hardware focussed incubator/ makerspace/ workspace when I had to setup, having moved to Bengaluru. This unique institution located in Koramangala, right opposite the Forum Mall has been the birthplace of many successful start-ups like Niramai, Hyperverge, Jainitri and Skylark Drones.

Well, this post is to talk briefly about an innovative product launch by bunch of driven engineers who were my desk-neighbours at IKP Eden. We have both now moved out of IKP but I guess our companies still share an evolutionary connection to that place :) Hats off to my friend Yatin Varachhia, the founder who has with his team taken the concept from a rough prototype, about two years ago, to a beta ready state!

Introducing Nosh. And Nosh is a cooking robot. Visit, to know more.

And more importantly. Do sign up for an early-access (as of March 2021) to Nosh! They are taking pre-orders for just 36K INR (~480 USD). Imagine a future where you can literally download your food (or atleast the recipe and ask Nosh to do the rest :)

Early Access | Euphotic Labs (

Once you’ve signed up on the link above, scroll down for some old pictures taken from my IKP desk of Yatin, Venkatesh and others at Euphotic Labs (their company) while they were still building their early prototype. It might help understand all the hard work that goes in while building and iterating on a hardware + software product! :)

Bengaluru has a surprising number of hardware product startups. The current stage of Nosh is an inspiration to all out there, me included. Here’s wishing Yatin and team Nosh all the very best. Here’s to Make in India! Hope and pray that the entrepreneurial environment thrives and creates value all around.

Nosh. WIP
A lot of things being cooked up by my neighbours.
Yatin and Venkatesh after a demo cook
I remember that the aroma was simply irresistible, and all had gathered around for a taste sample :)
My old desk at IKP :)

Cheers! To all the makers and builders out there. Keep going!




obsessively compulsively creative. getting better every day.